6-Week Quick Start Hormone Reset

Get ready to make friends with your hormones all over again. Kick your annoying hormone imbalance symptoms to the curb and say hello to more energy and vitality with a natural, whole-food based approach.

Tell me if you can relate to any of this…

  • You become super moody right before your period
  • You can’t help but wonder how your energy can literally drop from one day to the next
  • Your PMS symptoms are driving you absolutely mad
  • You are sick and tired of feeling low energy, low libido and just simply blah most days of the month
  • Your weight is rock solid, the scale won’t budge no matter how hard you exercise and which diet you try
  • You have gotten used to feeling irritable, fatigue, cranky and bloated
  • Painful menstrual cramps, acne covered skin has become your norm

If that’s you, the 6-Week Quick Start Hormone Reset Program is absolutely for you!

Believe me, it’s not normal to feel like a hot mess and an emotional rollercoaster…

Even though you aren’t alone with your PMS symptoms, feeling like a hot mess isn’t normal. 80% of women suffer from some type of hormone imbalance, and many of them suffer in silence. When asking for help most of the time they are told that there is nothing that can be done and that’s just the way things are.

It is possible to feel complete, balanced and energized. Unlike what most women believe and accept after years of suffering, you don’t have to be at the mercy of your raging and out of balanced hormones.

 You can maximize your health by balancing your hormones naturally. With the introduction of the right kinds of whole, plant-based foods, by implementing nourishing self-care routines and bringing on board the right supplements, you can help your body heal.

Are you ready to boost your energy, balance your mood and say hi to happy hormones?

The Solution

6-Week Quick Start Hormone Reset

What are the steps to happy hormones? 

Step 1 - Prep & Detox

Step 2 - Support & Restore

Step 3 - Reset & Empower

The 6-week quick start hormone reset program includes...


√ FREE 20-minute discovery call

√ 90-minute Initial Health Assessment and Nutrition Consultation over HIPAA-compliant Telehealth platform

√ Fully tailored health and wellness plan

√ Supplement Recommendations

√ Three 7-Day Meal Plans with grocery lists and easy-to-follow recipes

√ Two Follow-Up Sessions over HIPAA-compliant Telehealth platform

√ Email and/or text support in-between sessions (max 10 per months)

90-minute Initial Health Assessment and Nutrition Consultation 

During your 90-minute session, I will work with you to assess your current relationship with food and your body which includes self-care, eating and exercise behaviors, and sleep patterns. I will also evaluate your health history in order to pinpoint underlying causes contributing to your health including hormonal issues, gastrointestinal problems, reproductive issues, etc. You and I will develop a plan together that moves you towards inner healing, normalized eating, and a freeing relationship with food and your body. Our initial session includes an individual plan with long term goals, small actionable steps, helpful resources. 

Fully Customized Health and Wellness Plan

I will create a completely tailored health and wellness plan for you to meet your specific needs and help you reach your health goals. Your Health & Wellness Plan will be based on the information that you provide on your Client Intake Form, the information you share with me during our free consult and during our 90-minute consultation. This plan will provide clear and detailed instructions as well as a 7-Day Meal Plan, so that you can start implementing some of the recommended lifestyle and diet changes immediately. 

60-Minute Follow-Up Sessions 

Discovering true health and freedom for yourself is an ongoing journey. During our 60-minute follow-up session, we’ll check in on previously set goals, navigate challenges and talk through your concerns. Based on your specific needs, I will continue to provide guidance and support in helping you heal from the inside and move towards a healthy relationship with food and your body.

Let me wow you right from the start!

Take a peek at all that’s included in the 6-Week Quick Start Hormone Reset!

Step 1 - Prep & Detox

Intro to basic nutrition

Stage 1 liver cleanse

Mind/Body Detox

Step 2 - Support & Restore

Liver loving nutritional support

Gut health restore

Step 3 - Reset & Empower

Advanced nutrition

Hormone loving self-care routine

Step 1 - Prep & Detox

Intro to basic nutrition

During the Prep & Detox Phase, you will be introduced to the basics of proper diet, and why eating more whole, plant foods is fundamental to optimum health. You will learn appropriate serving sizes, the types of healthy fats that are essential, and find out what science has to say about healthy water intake. You will receive a suggested daily meal structure (sample meal plan for a week) fully tailored to your lifestyle to implement during our work together, including hormone balancing superfoods and hormone balancing smoothie recipes.

Stage 1 liver cleanse

If fatigue, low libido, painful periods, and super moodiness have been defining your existence, it’s essential to lower the toxic load on your body. As the liver is one of the principal organs tasked with the removal of toxins from the body, when it becomes overwhelmed, it performs less efficiently, leading to many unpleasant symptoms. A sluggish liver is often at the root of many conditions. This is why it’s important to gently cleanse your liver with the help of proper foods and supplements.

Mind/Body Detox

Our thoughts and emotions are equally important to our overall wellbeing. Positive thoughts lead to positive feelings and emotions, which, in turn, encourage the production of hormones that help us feel calm, happy, and balanced. Negative thoughts, however, have a detrimental effect on our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. As part of Mind/Body Detox, you will learn to become more aware of your thoughts, your body, and more intentional about your feelings and emotions. I will show you the most effective yoga poses and breathing techniques that are proven to have a positive effect on your hormone health. Meditating, deep breathing, yoga, walking in nature can all help lower stress levels and turn off the stress response so that you can effectively lower cortisol levels and create a positive environment for healing.

Step 2 - Support & Restore

Liver support health

Your liver is responsible for processing environmental toxins, metabolic wastes, and hormones. It needs some serious loving, especially when it’s overloaded with environmental toxins and majorly burdened by a slow digestive tract. You will learn the best foods to support your liver, through “Liver Loving” delicious, simple recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Gut health restore 

Our gut is populated by trillions of bacteria. The beneficial bacteria, called probiotics fulfill numerous functions, including balancing your blood sugar levels, support your immune system and influence your hormones as well. Nourishing your microbiome will be an important step towards balanced hormones.

Step 3- Reset & Empower

Advanced nutrition

During our 3rd and final session, we will review your progress and make any necessary changes. You will learn about seed cycling, dirty dozen vs. clean fifteen and why juicing is a super powerful way to balance your hormones. As part of your 7-Day Meal Plan, I will provide you with fabulous, easy-to-make juicing recipes to maximize your nutrition and balance your hormones naturally.

Hormone loving self-care routine

By now you will have realized that balancing hormones is a complex undertaking, where diet, lifestyle, and environment all play a role. I will share with you the 7 Forgotten Principles Of Health to help you live a virtually disease-free life and show you how to incorporate them into your daily routine.

What others say about me?

I highly recommend Edit as a personal nutritionist. It’s been a pleasure working with her. She is very personable and sincerely cares. She took the time to know my past medical and personal history to best evaluate my situation. She provided helpful information and dietary recommendations that help correct my symptoms as well as delicious recipes to enhance my wellbeing. She was in constant contact with me to follow up on my progress. She helped me recognize the pitfalls in my daily routine and motivated me to make the needed changes.

I had an amazing experience with Edit. Her knowledge was so helpful. She helped me regulate my headaches as well as teach me how to better nourish my body so I could feel my best. Edit not only helped me with my nutrition but also helped me mentally. She showed me ways to deal with stress and helped me see that I need to take care of myself so I can continue to take care of my family. I always looked forward to our next appointment.

Let's get started!

6-Week Quick Start Hormone Reset Program


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